
Types of Laboratories in Rlps School

There are various labs in RLPS schools, equipped with tools and equipment to facilitate hands-on learning and experimentation in diverse subjects. Some common laboratories are:

1. Chemistry Lab: It is a lab that contains chemical reagents, glassware, and apparatus for experiments related to chemical reactions and analysis.

2. Physics Lab: It is a laboratory in which instruments for experiments related to mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and more are kept, and a better understanding of the theory taught in the physics lessons is obtained.

3. Biology Laboratory: The Biology lab is equipped with microscopes, slides, specimens, and other tools related to biology, anatomy, and physiology.

4. Computer Laboratory: It is a lab in which you can find numerous computers for practical lessons in computer science, programming, and information technology.

5. Mathematics Laboratory: It is a lab that provides a space for interactive and hands-on learning of mathematical concepts using models.