The School follows the prescribed syllabus which prepares students, the ICSE (Class X) and ISC (Class XII) Examinations conducted by the Council of the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi.
• Sanskrit is taught as the 3rd language upto class VIII.
• Computer Education is compulsory for all from class I onwards.
In order to achieve the stated strategic objectives, the teaching learning strategies followed by Rani Laxmibai Group of Public Schools are as under :-
The teacher students ratio is maintained at 1:20.
The strength of students in each class is maintained at 35, as far as possible to ensure personalized attention.
The School Curriculum upto Class III is activity based for better comprehension.
Computer training forms an integral part of the academic curriculum from Play Centre.
Co-curricular activities are given needed and special attention.
Academic performances of students are evaluated and assessed every month through Unit Tests.
Students and Parents counselling is carried out by qualified Counsellors.
Incentives/cash awards are offered to students to recognize their achievements, both in academics as well as other activities.
Latent talents of students are encouraged and brought to limelight.
Quarterly Medical Examinations of students are carried out by specialists to ensure sound health.
Students are given wide exposure to the outside World by conducting educational tours in India and abroad.
Adventure training is given due importance.
An instinct of enquiry minds in the students are developed through innovative project works and assignments.
Additional coaching is provided to students of Classes X & XII in the evening, free of charge specially for weak students.
Weekly Friday Activities are organised to promote the histrionic talents.
Intra House and Inter House competitions are held regularly to promote competitive spirit.
Workshops/in-service training for faculty members of primary wing on regular basis.
Comprehensive training of one and half month for newly recruited teachers in Montessori section.
Special classes for kids having :
learning disabilities
attention deficit disorder
Stress on child-centered approach and appropriate techniques for hyperactive children.